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(770) 637-1371
Newnan, GA

Leaf Solutions That Make Lawns Shimmer!

Leaf Blowing And Removal

We have received 20 Reviews, Averaging 5 Stars!

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We Never Skimp On Providing Quality Leaf Removal Services.

Tired Of Leaves Being Everywhere?

  • They're Just Too Many On Your Lawn
  • You Don't Have Time To Rake Or Blow
  • They're All Over The Bushes
  • It's Suffocating The Grass
  • Walkways Look More Like Trails
  • You Don't Want To Have To Burn Them

Leaves Can Be Tricky To Keep In Check, And...

Nobody Likes A Leaf-Covered Lawn.

Our Leaf Removal Solutions Help To Make Lawns Luster Again!

How Soon Can We Assist You?

Simply Give Us A Call, and we'll help remove your leaves within 1-3 weekdays, if not sooner in most cases.

We never book more lawn projects into our schedule than we're capable of handling.

Additionally, we keep all of our customers up to date with our progress throughout the day. That's all part of the Nearby Lawn Care Experience.


Who Will Help You During Your Call?

Robert is Nearby Lawn Care’s very own, in-house Customer Support Expert.

He will answer your phone call along with any burning questions that you may have for us.

He'll then add you into a time slot that works best for your schedule, quickly and efficiently.

What Makes Us Excellent At Leaf Services?

- We Work Both Residentially & Commercially

Modular Scheduling That's Convenient & Easy

- Over 20+ ★★★★★ Rated Google Reviews

Affordable, To-The-Point Estimates

Don't delay in choosing Newnan's Best Leaf Blowing And Removal Service.

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Call (770) 637-1371 To Reach Nearby Lawn Care Newnan

Leaf Removal Service That Matters!

1. FREE Over-The-Phone Leaf Blowing & Removal Estimates

2. Scheduling That's Simple And Sure To Satisfy

3. Package Offers And Routine Premiums Available

4. Friendly Staff That's Respectful And Relatable

5. Locally Owned & Operated Lawn Care Service

6. Convenient Appointment Reminders And Updates

Recent Jobs

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Job Details

Location of Job: Newnan, GA
When: Sep 24, 2018
Service Category: Residential
Services Performed: Mulch And Pine Straw Delivery & Installation
Brief Explanation

How Much Mulch Did We Deliver?

We had 11 yards of mulch delivered to this customer's home in Newnan.

Before laying down the mulch we prepared the beds by weed whacking and racking the edges back so that the edges would have a beautifully clean and crisp finish to them once we were done.

We also put down 40 bales of pine straw on the hill.

The job took most of the day and we had two separate deliveries to get all the product to the home.

The weather was cool which was nice.

We did this job on September 24, 2018, and the entire project ended up taking most of our workday, but the results were totally worth the wait for our customer.

This is the second time the homeowner had hired us to help with their lawn.

Before Photos


After Photo


Job Details

Location of Job: Newnan, GA
When: Sep 21, 2018
Service Category: Residential
Services Performed: Lawn Care Bush Cutting And Removal Services
Brief Explanation

Why Did We Remove These Bushes For This Customer?

We conducted a bush cutting and removal project for a residential customer local to the nearby Newnan area.

This customer had just purchased a brand new home and was thrilled with her new investment.

Yet, she absolutely hated just how tall and big the front yard's bushes were and wanted them removed as soon as possible.

They were hiding the main stair entrance to the customers home and were indirectly making it look smaller and more cramped than it actually was.

These bushes which were originally planted were style and aesthetic were now hijacking the favor of the home and making it look drab and unappealing to the eye.

Thankfully though, we're the best service for Bush Cutting And Removal in Newnan, GA.

Before Photos


After Photo


Job Details

Location of Job: Newnan, GA
When: Sep 6, 2018
Service Category: Residential
Services Performed: Lawn Mowing, Weed Eating And Edging
Brief Explanation

How Large Was This Customer's Property?

These new customers recent hired us on to lawn mow and edge their property once a month.

For this particular customer's project, we actually ended up lawn mowing and edging well over one acre of land.

And for those who aren't entirely familiar with just how big an acre is, it's roughly about 10 yards less than a professional football field!

Our customer's grass had not been edged in months.

After we gave it a good once over and made it nice and flush with the surrounding curb and driveway, we then mulched the remaining edging material.

We take great care in every local lawn care project that we come across.

Whether it's a regular mowing trim or help with some long overdue edging assistance, we're the best when it comes to Lawn Mowing and Edging in Newnan, GA.

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After Photo


Job Details

Location of Job: Newnan, GA
When: Sep 10, 2018
Service Category: Residential
Services Performed: Pine Straw Installation, Sculpting, & Spreading
Brief Explanation

How Many Bales Did We Use?

We ended up installing a total of 75 Pine Straw Bales for this project.

However, it only took our team 3 hours to finish installing pine straw all around this customer's house, concrete edges, bush beds, and so on.

What Makes Our Pine Straw Service Special?

Other lawn care services layout pine straw quickly, but the end result often look rushed and half-heartedly done a fair bit of the time.

You'll never have to worry about your new lawn additions being scattered or clumped ever again.

We pride ourselves on providing top-tier Spreading, Rolling, Tucking & Sculpting for all of your mulch and pine straw needs.

Because when it comes to the quality image of your lawn, we're the perfect blend of both practical lawn care solutions and aesthetically pleasing styling.

And that's why we're the best Pine Straw Installation Service in Newnan, GA.

Before Photos


After Photo


Job Details

Location of Job: Newnan, GA
When: Sep 12, 2018
Service Category: Commercial
Services Performed: Mulch Delivery, Installation And Spreading
Brief Explanation

How Long Did This Mulch Delivery & Installation Project Take?

We recently installed 22 yards of hardwood black mulch for a local customer who hired us on the tackle this enormous project.

The process was fairly straightforward and everything went smoothly without any major hiccups, yet it still required Over 14+ Manhours to complete.

What Was Done Specifically?

To help give this project a strong foundation to work with, we laid down several yards worth of DeWitt 12-year weed barrier over this homeowner's old, worn-out pine straw.

This was done to help block and prevent any weeds from coming up through this customer's new mulch and potentially compromising all of our hard work.

Once this was accomplished, we then went to work in moving the mulch from the delivery drop-off pile to all the necessary areas.

As a matter of fact, our mulch delivery truck ended up making a total of 4 trips to our customer's house to deliver all the mulch which was needed for this project!

Go ahead and take a quick look at some of our Before, During, & After Pictures and it'll be easy for you to see how our service is the best at Mulch Delivery and Installation in Newnan, GA.

Do We Offer Recurring Plans & Packages Though?

We Do Indeed!

While new mulch projects tend to be a one-time deal with sparse recurring installations throughout the years, we gladly offer and excel at other lawn care services that need to happen on more regular occasions.

Whether it's a monthly mowing or a regular weekly trim, we offer consistent yard care services that are sure to satisfy.

Additionally, our recurring premiums are affordable and reliable as well.

And while we do offer the capability to conduct one-time only cuts and services, it's actually a far better deal to choose us to help out over a long period of time.

That way, for example, you won't have to stress about when your grass was cut last, and you can finally get that front yard that you've always dreamed of having for so long.

Recent Reviews

Kevin Grimes

Newnan, GA

Date: Mar 4, 2019
The entire experience was a pleasure from start to finish. Will definitely use them again.

"Will Definitely Use Them Again"

Veronica Johnson

Newnan, GA

Date: Jan 30, 2019
What a great and professional company to do business with. Nearby Lawncare has great customer service and works hard to make sure their customers, as well as their suppliers, are happy. They are extremely organized and well planned which makes everything so much easier. They do great work at great prices. We highly recommend for any of your lawn care needs.

"Extremely Organized And Well Planned"

Wendy Daniels

Tyrone, GA

Date: Feb 22, 2019
Excellent, fast service! Very happy with their leaf removal!!

"Very Happy With Their Leaf Removal!!"

We'll Be Sure To "Leaf" You Satisfied!

Our Work Isn't Finished Until Yours Is Taken Care Of.

Use Any Of The Methods Below To Reach Us

Call Us: (770) 637-1371

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Nearby Lawn Care Newnan

Newnan, GA 30265

But Are Our Prices Reasonable?

You Can Rest Assured Knowing That...

We Don't Play With Our Prices!

By that, we mean we don't bait-and-switch our price over the phone versus once we've finished our work.

We're always consistent with our pricing and services, no matter how in demand they may be at the time or not.

Once you give us a call, we'll give you a FREE estimate over the phone for all of your yard's leaf care needs.

Some Lawn Care Businesses Only Blow Leaves

And Don't Offer Any Removal Services Whatsoever.

We Can Blow AND Remove Your Leaves For You.

Some companies only offer leaf blowing services and nothing more.

If you decide to go with our Leaf Removal Package today though, then we'll blow your leaves off of your lawn and driveway, bag it all up, and then take it all away for you.

It doesn't matter how big or small your yard is, or how many leaves you have.

We're the best there is when it comes to providing the greater Newnan and Cowetta County area with top-of-the-line leaf blowing and removal solutions.

Leaf Removal That's Rapid & Robust!

Call Now To Speak With Local Lawn Care Professionals.

Call Us: (770) 637-1371

Text Us: (770) 637-1371

Email Us

Send Us A Written Letter

Nearby Lawn Care Newnan

Newnan, GA 30265


1. When Can We Get Rid Of Your Leaves?


Booking an appointment with us is simple and convenient.

Just give us a call today, and we'll be able to fit you into our schedule the moment you call.

The word is spreading about our quality leaf removal services though.

The soonest we're able to fit new customers into our schedule is likely within 1-3 weekdays, if not sooner in some cases though.

We're proud to provide brisk lawn-care and leaf solutions that satisfy.

2. What Does Our Radius Of Service Include Though?


We're Fayette County & Coweta County's #1 local, reliable lawn care service.

We proudly service the greater Newnan area, and its surrounding areas such as:

- Woodsmoke

- Raymond

- Wood Valley Estates

- Willow Creek Subdivision

- Amco Mills

- Sharpsburg

- & also Senoia

3. Why Choose Us To Work On Your Leaves?


Here at Nearby Lawn Care, we strive to change the way you experience quality lawn care services for good.

Whether it's mowing your lawn, laying down some fresh new pine straw, or blowing and removing some leaves, we always look forward to providing top-tier lawn care solutions with a local neighborly attitude.

We're certain that you'll be satisfied by our quality service, and we look forward to being your go-to lawn care experts for many more projects to come.

4. How Soon Can We Clear Out Your Leaves?


Booking an appointment with us is simple and convenient.

Just give us a call today, and we'll be able to fit you into our schedule the moment you call and clear out all of your leaves quickly.

The word is spreading about our quality lawn care services though.

The soonest we're able to fit new customers into our schedule is Likely Within 1-3 Weekdays, if not sooner in various cases though.

We're proud to provide quick leaf-care solutions that satisfy.